API / Schema
VulnCheck provides VulnCheck KEV as a Community service, helping provide timely visibility into known exploited vulnerabilities. The service is available using the VulnCheck community dashboard, API endpoint and machine readable JSON.
VulnCheck KEV API
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.vulncheck.com/v3/backup/vulncheck-kev \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer insert_token_here'
JSON Schema
VulnCheck KEV has an easy to follow schema, which is made up of strings, arrays of strings, and times (as well as objects including these data types).
Included below is an example VulnCheck KEV record with every field filled out. Included further below are the data structures for parsing this JSON object in the Go programming language.
Example VulnCheck KEV entry
Below is an example complete record for VulnCheck KEV, with all fields filled out.
"vendorProject": "ZK Framework",
"product": "AuUploader",
"shortDescription": "ZK Framework AuUploader servlets contain an unspecified vulnerability that could allow an attacker to retrieve the content of a file located in the web context. The ZK Framework is an open-source Java framework. This vulnerability can impact multiple products, including but not limited to ConnectWise R1Soft Server Backup Manager.",
"vulnerabilityName": "ZK Framework AuUploader Unspecified Vulnerability",
"required_action": "Apply updates per vendor instructions.",
"knownRansomwareCampaignUse": "Known",
"cve": [
"vulncheck_xdb": [
"xdb_id": "0508bf2f3fce",
"xdb_url": "https://vulncheck.com/xdb/0508bf2f3fce",
"date_added": "2022-12-09T11:29:26Z",
"exploit_type": "initial-access",
"clone_ssh_url": "git@github.com:agnihackers/CVE-2022-36537-EXPLOIT.git"
"xdb_id": "5ba33e292bd5",
"xdb_url": "https://vulncheck.com/xdb/5ba33e292bd5",
"date_added": "2022-12-09T14:15:52Z",
"exploit_type": "initial-access",
"clone_ssh_url": "git@github.com:Malwareman007/CVE-2022-36537.git"
"vulncheck_reported_exploitation": [
"url": "https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/feeds/known_exploited_vulnerabilities.json",
"date_added": "2023-02-27T00:00:00Z"
"url": "https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/lockbit-most-prevalent-ransomware",
"date_added": "2023-07-10T00:00:00Z"
"url": "https://www.cisa.gov/known-exploited-vulnerabilities-catalog",
"date_added": "2023-10-12T00:00:00Z"
"url": "https://blog.fox-it.com/2023/02/22/from-backup-to-backdoor-exploitation-of-cve-2022-36537-in-r1soft-server-backup-manager/",
"date_added": "2023-02-22T00:00:00Z"
"url": "https://www.rapid7.com/blog/post/2023/03/01/etr-active-exploitation-of-zk-framework-cve-2022-36537/",
"date_added": "2023-03-01T00:00:00Z"
"url": "https://information.rapid7.com/rs/411-NAK-970/images/Rapid7-2023-Mid-Year-Threat-Review.pdf",
"date_added": "2023-08-17T00:00:00Z"
"dueDate": "2023-03-20T00:00:00Z",
"cisa_date_added": "2023-02-27T00:00:00Z",
"date_added": "2023-02-22T00:00:00Z"
Example data structures for VulnCheck KEV
Below are example data structures for marshalling or unmarshalling VulnCheck KEV data structures.
type VulnCheckKEV struct {
VendorProject string `json:"vendorProject"`
Product string `json:"product"`
Description string `json:"shortDescription"`
Name string `json:"vulnerabilityName"`
RequiredAction string `json:"required_action"`
KnownRansomwareCampaignUse string `json:"knownRansomwareCampaignUse"`
CVE []string `json:"cve"`
VulnCheckXDB []XDB `json:"vulncheck_xdb"`
VulnCheckReportedExploitation []ReportedExploit `json:"vulncheck_reported_exploitation"`
DueDate *time.Time `json:"dueDate,omitempty"`
CisaDateAdded *time.Time `json:"cisa_date_added,omitempty"`
DateAdded time.Time `json:"date_added"`
type ReportedExploit struct {
Url string `json:"url"`
DateAdded time.Time `json:"date_added"`
type XDB struct {
XDBID string `json:"xdb_id"`
XDBURL string `json:"xdb_url"`
DateAdded time.Time `json:"date_added"`
ExploitType string `json:"exploit_type"`
CloneSSHURL string `json:"clone_ssh_url"`
Coverage Criteria
Only vulnerabilities reported to have been exploited in the wild are included in VulnCheck KEV.
Attribution Notice
Leveraging VulnCheck KEV and the data in it, in your own production, solution, or service, is easy to do at no additional cost, but requires prominent attribution to VulnCheck.