
Open Source Package Managers

Integration with various open-source package managers to track and report vulnerabilities in software dependencies.


Alpine Purls

Alpine purls is a collection of Alpine package purls with their associated versions and cves.

Browse the alpine-purls index

Cargo (Rust) packages with package versions

Cargo (Rust) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the cargo index

CocoaPods packages with package versions

CocoaPods (Swift, Objective-C) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the cocoapods index

PHP Composer packages with package versions

Composer (PHP) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the composer index

C/C++ packages with package versions

Conan (C/C++) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the conan index

Ruby (gem) packages with package versions

Gem (Ruby) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the gem index

Golang packages with package versions

Golang packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the golang index

Hackage (Haskell) packages with package versions

Hackage (Haskell) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the hackage index

Hex (Erlang) packages with package versions

Hex (Erlang, Elixir) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the hex index

Maven (Java) packages with package versions

Maven (Java) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the maven index

NPM (JS/TS) packages with package versions

NPM (Javascript, Typescript) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the npm index

opam (OCaml) packages with package versions

opam (OCaml) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the opam index

Pub (Dart/Flutter) packages with package versions

Pub is a package manager for Dart and Flutter apps

Browse the pub index

PyPi (Python) packages with package versions

PyPI (Python) packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the pypi index

Rocky Purls

Rocky purls is a collection of rocky package purls with their associated versions and cves.

Browse the rocky-purls index

Swift packages with package versions

Swift packages with package versions, associated licenses, and relevant CVEs

Browse the swift index