
Cyware Threat Intelligence Exchange

Explore and visualize VulnCheck data in CTIX by Cyware.

VulnCheck Exploit Intelligence enhances CTIX (Cyware Threat Intelligence eXchange) deployments by providing real-time enriched vulnerability data via VulnCheck’s API. This integration improves the contextual understanding of vulnerabilities by mapping relationships to exploits, ransomware, botnets and more.

CTIX customers who integrate VulnCheck Vulnerability Intelligence gain deeper insights into the exploitation lifecycle of vulnerabilities, enabling faster and more informed decisions in vulnerability management and threat response workflows.

Working with VulnCheck Vulnerability Intelligence in CTIX

CTIX offers robust features to incorporate third-party intelligence sources like VulnCheck, enriching its capabilities with actionable insights for analysts.

For more information on CTIX integrations, see Cyware's documentation.

Enrich CTIX Vulnerability Data with VulnCheck

VulnCheck’s API provides detailed mappings between vulnerabilities and related attacker infrastructure, enabling CTIX users to identify and prioritize high-risk vulnerabilities efficiently. This integration enhances the analyst’s experience by delivering clear exploitation context and improving overall response times.