
Initial Access Intelligence

Leverage Initial Access Intelligence detection artifacts to detect & respond to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.

According to Mandiant, Initial Access vulnerabilities and their subsequent exploitation was the leading source of data breaches in 2022. VulnCheck's Initial Access Intelligence product provides detection artifacts in a timely manner, so that organizations can respond to these emerging threats more quickly.

VulnCheck's Initial Access Intelligence product provides organizations with in-house developed:

  • Exploit PoCs
  • Packet Captures (PCAP files)
  • Suricata & Snort signatures to detect exploitation
  • YARA rules (when possible)
  • CPE strings
  • Version Scanners
  • Mapping to GreyNoise tags
  • Censys, Shodan, ZoomEye, FOFA, Baidu, and Google Queries (measuring Internet-level exposure of potentially vulnerable systems)
  • Target Docker container

VulnCheck packages these detection artifacts for organizations to detect & respond.