VulnCheck Initial Access Intelligence provides in-house developed exploit PoCs, packet captures, and Suricata signatures to defend against initial access vulnerabilities.
VulnCheck tracks initial access vulnerabilities, remote code execution vulnerabilities that do not require authentication, and authors detection artifacts to help organizations defend against weaponized exploits for those vulnerabilities. VulnCheck Initial Access Intelligence provides these detection artifacts in timely manner, to help organizations author detections and defend themselves, during the unclear times of recent disclosures.
Learn how to generate VulnCheck SSH Keys for accessing VulnCheck Detection Artifacts.
After setting up your SSH keys in the VulnCheck web portal and activating your paid subscription license to VulnCheck Initial Access Intelligence, simply leverage git clone, to get the latest detection artifacts available.
git clone
The Initial Access Git repository is also available as an unencrypted or encrypted backup file. The encrypted variants password is vulncheck
Offline Backup | Description |
initial-access-git | Initial Access Git repository is an offline backup |
initial-access-git-encrypted | Initial Access Git repository is an offline password-protected backup |
To request a specific offline backup, simply call /v3/backup/:index as follows (initial-access-git
shown below):
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer insert_token_here'
package main
import (
func main() {
client := sdk.Connect("", "insert_token_here")
response, err := client.GetIndexBackup("initial-access-git")
if err != nil {
import vulncheck_sdk
configuration = vulncheck_sdk.Configuration(host="")
configuration.api_key["Bearer"] = "insert_token_here"
with vulncheck_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
endpoints_client = vulncheck_sdk.EndpointsApi(api_client)
api_response = endpoints_client.backup_index_get("initial-access-git")
vulncheck backup download initial-access-git
VulnCheck offers API endpoints for quick and easy access to the Suricata and Snort rules. The following endpoints contain one rule on each line:
For example, to fetch the Suricata rules, call /v3/rules/initial-access/suricata
as follows:
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer insert_token_here'
package main
import (
func main() {
client := sdk.Connect("", "insert_token_here")
response, err := client.GetRule("suricata")
if err != nil {
import vulncheck_sdk
configuration = vulncheck_sdk.Configuration(host="")
configuration.api_key["Bearer"] = "insert_token_here"
with vulncheck_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
endpoints_client = vulncheck_sdk.EndpointsApi(api_client)
api_response = endpoints_client.rules_initial_access_type_get("suricata")